
So it is only one week of the project left and there are not much left to do. This week we have discussed what we should lay focus on this last time. So the only animation we do not have made yet is the death animation. We have three ways for the spy and the guard to die: by getting strangled with the garrote, getting hit with a baton or getting shot with a gun. With this we should need one animation for the strangling, one for the one where you get hit with the baton and two for the gun shot. Two because you can get shot from two directions or really many different directions, but all animations should be times two since the guard and the spy would have the same animation for every type of death. Since we only has one week left or really just some days left we decided that we should make the same death animation to all of them.

This animation should be just two frames. One of the frames is the spy or guard supposed to fall or stand on its legs and one of the frames is supposed the guard or spy lying on the floor. So the next thing that got on the discussion list was how the guard or the spy is going to lie. Should it lie on its back, its front or on the side? It was decided that since we are going to use it to every death animation to both the spy and the guard. Since there are differences in the way the guard or the spy falls when killed by the different methods of killing. When the spy strangles the guard it does so by almost dragging the guard backwards there the spy can put the guard on the side. When the spy bashes the guard it is from behind the spy dose so by swinging the baton which means that the guard will fall sideways but partly forward. The same goes for when the guard hits the spy but from any angle. When they get shot the guard and the spy falls the opposite way they get shot so the sideways death animation kind of works.

So to make the work easier we took referents pictures and I started sketching on the death animation. The only thing left was if they should land with their front or back up. It is something we will see how it looks. Here are one/some of the sketches I’ve done.

Guard deth

One thought on “Death

  1. Death animations always seem to be more annoying animation I think, possibly because it is one of those animations that more than often have a lot of frames, unless it is a simple explosion of course. I can see the value in using the same animation for both the player and her enemies when it is down to this final week to finish.

    When it comes to the post in itself I have a hard time understanding what you mean at times. Some grammar and wording is a bit off. But if I understand correctly you’ll only have one frame for when the character is lying dead and one where he is about to fall(?). Death, being a big part in a game where you are able to eliminate your enemies by killing to get past them, I think should have a bit more frames than those two. But as you said, the end is drawing near and there isn’t much time. It is a shame really since death is something so graphical and a really good looking death animation can go a long way. Like in stealth games if you choose to kill an enemy guard by stabbing him in the neck. The death animation combined with the attack animation could either make the player feel horrified at what he has done, or feel as if he is in control and have the power over death.

    Have a good one!

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