
So this week I’ve made animations. I’ve made guard walk and idle animation and spy walk, idle and sneak animation. I was pleasantly surprised when I realized that it wasn’t as hard and time consuming as I thought. In the beginning of the week I learned how to make the animations into sprite sheets. I think it was so easy because we are doing everything in 64 times 64 squares.

The one I thought was the most fun animation to make was the sneaking animation. Cause in that animation I had to re do the construction of the body of the guard. I got the tips from a teacher that I should think of the back like a triangle with circles in the corners that are parallel. So that is what I started with. I took the idle sprite for the spy and added a triangle without the pointy bit and two circles matching with the shoulders on the idle sprite on like this:

Spy sneak basic

With help of this I structured I formed the new spy, but this structure was to long so I had to shorten it in the end. I did two different sketches one where I followed the shoulders around so that it became a downwards bump in under the head and one where I had drawn a line from shoulder circle to shoulder circle.  It didn’t make much difference since the spy got suspenders, but we ended with going with the one with a line. At this time I felt that something was wrong so I asked my lead artist what he thought and he told me that I should try and move up the head, away from the body. It worked and the spy looked a lot better. This is the end result of the construction:

Spy sneak finnish construct

After finishing the pic with color it looked like this:

Spy sneak color

So to make the animation I made so that the legs are seen in some of the frames. I also made the spy move a bit from side to side to make the movement more visible.

The walking animation is the one that took the most time since I wanted it to be smooth. When I had done it for one of them it wasn’t hard to do it for the other one so the second one didn’t take that long time to make. When I had done one of the walking animations I felt like doing something different but not too time consuming so I made the spy idle animation and later I threw together the one for the guard.

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