The Guard.

In our game the enemy is guards that patrol the building that the spy infiltrate. The guards are equipped with batons and or a gun. They also carry keycards and noisemakers all of these things the spy can obtain by killing the guard. But its difficult to kill the guards since they can hear footsteps if the spy dose not sneak and they got a line of sight that is displayed by the light from the flashlight that they carry. I have the last week drawn the sprites to the guards.

I started by looking at the construction of the human body from above. I looked at both pictures of humans from above and on sprites of character from top down games. One game that the group took inspiration was Grand Theft Auto 3. The problem with that reference is that it is not the top down we were planing on doing. But we realized that after a week.

Guard old style

Since the game is in the 40s I gave the guard a costume and a “gangster” / “mafia” hat. When I showed this to the lead artist in my group he said that he wanted the spy to look like that so I had to redesign the guard cause there would be to big chance of mix up. For example if they would look the same apart from a small detail it would feel like the spy was one of the guards that had turned on the company and that was not the thought.


The new guards got a different hat. I searched on Google for both guard had and security guard hat and found one that had a cap and were round and completely flat on the top. The guard to the left is the first guard I did with the new hat. I did it in a 64 * 64 square and realized that it was to small for details so I made one with shadows instead. I chose shadows since the guard will be the only one with a light source apart from some distraction objects that emit light.

Alpha Guard

I then realized that we had the wrong angle when I got the spy as a object to work on. The guard above is the guard that is for the alpha. I am not pleased with them and are redoing them in bigger size so that they can be scaled down. I was not pleased with the alpha one since its not the style of the game and the spy would be easier to make cause it has more details.

One thought on “The Guard.

  1. Hello Stina! Nice blog you got going!
    A few things I notice while reading your blog is that you should let someone else read through it and help you with your sentences and grammar because I see a lot of mistakes that I think you or someone else can see and change if you read through it. Another thing you could do is that you write the blog post in Word first and then just copy paste it into the blog.
    It’s good that you use pictures for reference. One thing you could change is to add text to the picture so it will be easier to understand what the picture reference to it also makes the pictures flow easier into the text then just putting them there.
    I know that is sucks to hear that your art is not good enough or that you have to redo because of different reasons but just put on some good music and keep on going! One thing that could help with this is that you do a fast sketch and show that to your lead artist and explain what you plan on doing. If you do this then you will not have put down much time on it and it will be easier to change it if there is something that needs changing. It’s good that you are going to draw the sprites in a bigger scale but be careful to check that it scales good and that you do not work too much on details that will not be seen, so if you are working in Photoshop zoom out a lot so you can see if the details you are working on will be visible later when you have scaled it.
    It looks like you are getting somewhere with the graphics to your game and that is good to see. It will be nice to follow and see what happens in the future and good luck!

    In till next time, peace!

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